Fire Protection Engineering

**New Fees**

Effective January 15th, 2023, the Nevada State Fire Marshal Division will implement a newly legislative approved fee schedule for Certificates of Compliance, inspections, and plan review. The fee increase was approved by the Nevada State Legislature on December 28th, 2022. The fee increase is in response to a new budget format in which the State Fire Marshal has switched to a fee-based budget versus funding from the general budget. Also, the increase was necessary to cover cost of service expenses which had not been modified since 1997. A copy of LCB File no. R183-22 is provided on the link below and outlines the new fees assigned to Nevada Administrative Code 477.  A completed version of Nevada Administrative Code 477, will be posted on the State Fire Marshal website once a certified copy is forwarded back to the Nevada State Fire Marshal by our Legislative Council


·           LCB File R183-22   

·           NSFM Memo 23010502 - Fee Increase

The Nevada State Fire Marshal has adopted the following codes effective February 2020: 

International Fire Code, 2018 Edition; International Building Code, 2018 Edition; International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, 2018 Edition; Uniform Mechanical Code, 2018 Edition; Various NFPA Standards, Editions as Published in the Soft-bound 2018 Set; Refer to NAC Chapter 477 for adoption language.

Expedited Project Submittals

Expedited Plan Review is a courtesy offered by the Nevada State Fire Marshal Division on a case-by-case basis, as staffing allows and dependent on our current workload. The Nevada State Fire Marshal Division will accommodate all expedite applications to the best of our ability, but cannot guarantee an expedited review. In addition to the permit fee based on the project valuation, an expedite fee comprised of an estimated hourly rate plus administrative fees will be assessed and invoiced to the applicant. You will be invoiced for expedite services once plans are received and the standard fee is paid. All fees must be paid prior to review. If after reviewing the expedited fees and project valuation fees combined, if you choose not to expedite, your project will be placed in our review queue and reviewed on a first in first out basis.

Ref:  NAC 477.325


Please be advised that as of April 12, 2019, customers paying invoices or fees with a credit card will be charged a non-refundable card payment processing fee of 3.25% by our payment processor. There will be no additional charge for e-checks.

Fire Protection Engineering

Albert Ruiz
Bureau Chief
(775) 684-7510